Friday, September 20, 2002 through September 22, 2002
Newcomer Center, Room 17

Damascus Road Anti-Racism Training

The name "The Damascus Road" refers to the process of transformation that Saul experienced on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-31). The training is designed to equip participants with the theological, educational and organizational anti-racism skills they will need to begin the process of transformation in their own institutions. Basic anti-racism analysis serves as the core of the Damascus Road process. The training helps articulate the biblical call to anti-racist action, and establishes a common language for talking about racism while providing principles to guide the work of dismantling institutional racism. The purpose of this two-and-a-half-day workshop is to lay the groundwork for the long-term work of dismantling racism in the Goshen community and surrounding area (colleges, community groups, high schools, congregations and service agencies). Participants will complete the training with: A shared analysis of systemic racism A framework for applying that analysis to their institution or community Tools for assessing their institution and familiarity with tools to move forward

Contact: Lefuarn Harvey, phone (574) 535-7548, email