Friday, September 20, 2002 through September 22, 2002
Niagara-on-the Lake, Ontario

Shaw Festival

Presenter: President Shirley H Showalter, hosted by Janette Yoder and Mary Ann Roth.

The Shaw Festival at Niagara-on-the-Lake is a special trip that offers not only very good theater, but also a pleasant and interesting Victorian village to explore. This year we will be staying at the Prince of Wales Hotel, a beloved historical landmark with each of its 114 guest rooms individually decorated. There will be time to shop in the unique establishments, walk along the lake, do sightseeing and taste the wonderful cuisine that makes for a great get-a-way weekend. A visit to Niagara Falls and gardens will conclude the trip.

The Shaw Festival Excursion Itinerary

Friday, September 20

5:00 am Leave Goshen College
2:00 p.m. Arrive in Niagara-on-the-Lake
Check in at Prince of Wales Hotel
Afternoon Shopping and sightseeing
5:30 p.m. Group dinner
8:00 p.m. Hay Fever at the Festival Theatre or
The Old Ladies at Royal George Theatre

Lodging at Prince of Wales Hotel

Saturday, September 21

Morning Breakfast on own
Shopping and sightseeing
Noon Lunch on own
2:00 p.m. Candida at the Festival Theatre Dinner on own
8:00 p.m. Detective Story at Festival Theatre or
The Return of the Prodigal at Court House Theatre

Lodging at Prince of Wales Hotel

Sunday, September 22

Morning Breakfast at Prince of Wales
10:00 am Departure for Goshen
Stop at Niagara Falls and gardens
Noon Boxed lunch
8:00 p.m. Arrival in Goshen

Shaw Excursion Features

Niagara-on-the-Lake in Ontario, Canada, is located at the mouth of the Niagara River, just 20 minutes from Niagara Falls. The village, set in an area of vineyards and fruit orchards, is a picturesque Victorian village that has won awards for the "prettiest town in Canada."

The Shaw Festival, started 40 years ago to celebrate the works of English playwright George Bernard Shaw, has grown to three theatres, where guests can enjoy the works of Shaw and his contemporaries.

Prince of Wales Hotel was established in 1864 and has long been a beloved historical landmark. The hotel has recently been renovated into world-class hotel with 114 guest rooms decorated to reflect the elegance of a bygone era.

Tour hosted by Chair of Afternoon Sabbatical Mary Ann Roth and Director of Special Events Janette Yoder.

Presenter - President Shirley H. Showalter will accompany the group, providing interesting commentary and facts about the plays. Professor of English Shirley H. Showalter began teaching at Goshen College in 1976 and along with her role as president continues to teach one course a year.

Cost - $525 Includes bus travel, two nights lodging at the Prince of Wales, three theatre tickets with best-seating, Friday night group dinner, Sunday continental breakfast, and box lunch. Other meals are on your own. Single room supplement $235.

Reservations - The trip is open to a maximum of 56 people. Your reservation will be held upon receipt of a deposit of $125, so respond quickly. The remaining $400 is due August 10. The deposit is non-refundable.

Contact: Jo Ann Preheim, phone (574) 535-7566, email

See also: Prince of Wales Hotel