Friday, September 13, 2002 through September 14, 2002
College Mennonite Church

"From Schleitheim to NYC: Anabaptist-mennonite Reflections on 9-11 a Year Later"

A gathering intended for pastors, faculty, students and all those interested in Anabaptist-Mennonite perspectives on peacemaking. The event commemorates both the 475th anniversary of the Schleitheim Confession and the one-year anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. How might the lens of our history and theology help us gain fresh perspectives on contemporary issues of peacemaking? What are the appropriate points of tension between the gospel and the social order? Is there a way to move "beyond the negative" in Mennonite responses to citizenship/patriotism?

Contact: John Roth, phone (219) 535-7000, email