Saturday, November 19, 2022 through February 12, 2023
Good Library Gallery

"Historic Anabaptist Hymnals and Goshen College" Exhibit

This exhibit provides an overview of Anabaptist-Mennonite hymnals from 16th-century to present. It also has tributes to former Goshen College faculty members Mary Oyer, Walter E. Yoder, and John D. Brunk, each of whom played important roles in editing 20th-century Mennonite hymnals. A large browsing table allows visitors to look through many Mennonite hymnals from late 19th-century to present. (Original artwork from the Voices Together hymnal, earlier displayed with these hymnals, is no longer available for viewing.)

The Good Library Gallery is open whenever the library is open. See for hours.

Image: 1801 Fraktur hymnal bookplate made for Magdalena Oberholtzer by David Kulp (1777-1834)

For questions, or to arrange a group visit, contact Joe A. Springer.

Contact: Joe A. Springer, phone (574) 535-7418, email

See also: