8:30 am, Friday, March 17, 2006
College Mennonite Church Fellowship Hall

"Tuned Out? Youth and the Future of News Media" conference

8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Guest speakers:
-David Mindich, author of Tuned Out: Why Americans Under 40 Dont Follow the News
-Brooke Gladstone, NPRs On the Media

Are youth tuned out to the news? If so, why? And what would make them want to tune in?

This daylong conference will focus on these questions and give high school and college students, journalists, teachers and new media folks the opportunity to explore the answers together.

Keynote speaker and author David Mindich explores these questions in his book "Tuned Out: Why Americans Under 40 Don't Follow the News," published by Oxford University Press in 2005. He interviewed scores of young Americans about how they keep up with the news. What he discovered was a group that knows less, cares less, votes less and follows the news less than their parents do and less than their parents did when they were young. The challenge, Mindich says, is to create a society in which young people feel that attending to quality journalism is worthwhile. He has a number of ideas about how that can happen.

Keynote speaker Brooke Gladstone will bring both an insiders and outsiders perspective as co-host and managing editor of National Public Radios weekly On the Media because she tackles the tough questions and issues about the current state of the media and its future. She will also be speaking on campus the night before, March 16, at 7:30 p.m. as the Yoder Public Affairs Lecturer.

This conference is sponsored by the Goshen College Communication Department with generous support from Elizabeth Miller Jeschke and the Yoder Public Affairs Lecture committee.

Visit the website below for more information, a schedule and online registration.

Contact: Linda Rouch, phone (574) 535-7450, email lindasr@goshen.edu

See also: "Tuned Out?" conference website