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9:00 am, Saturday, January 16, 2021

Michiana Regional Seed Swap

Merry Lea's third annual Michiana Regional Seed Swap has gone virtual! We are excited to host fellow gardeners, growers, and plant enthusiasts for educational presentations and discussions on topics such as heritage corn and gardening. There will also be an opportunity to connect with others to exchange seeds. This year's event will include prerecorded presentations released on our Facebook page and website on January 11, 13 and 15 at 2 p.m. each day. These presentations will culminate on Saturday, January 16 with a live presentation, presenter Q and A time and breakout sessions on specific interest areas. The Michiana Regional Seed Swap is free and open to the public. Register for Saturday's session on our website: www.goshen.edu/merrylea/michianaseedswap

Contact: Katie Tipton, phone 260-799-5869, email kctipton@goshen.edu

See also: Merry Lea Events