Friday, November 6, 2020 through December 6, 2020
Online Event

Cymbeline: Interrupted The Interactive Online Experience

In this romantic and humorous tale of love, betrayal, and mistaken identity, Shakespeare pulls from a stockpile of his famous tropes and devices. Cymbeline follows loyal Imogen as she takes fate into her own hands to reunite with the man who betrayed her. Other characters include a scheming queen, a devoted servant, a hotheaded fool, a jealous husband, a demanding father, a lying lecher, a kidnapper, two ghosts, and the almighty Jupiter to name a few.

Visit for an interactive online video and audio experience as you choose which part of the story you want to experience next. This experience is available from 11/6 to 12/6, free of charge!

"Shianne Harrison has created a visual world that is layered, at turns playful and haunting, and that embraces the theme of interruption in really creative ways. She has had to be responsive and improvisational as we adapted to Covid, separation of audio and video, and bringing theatre students into the film world. I've so appreciated her collaborative spirit and creativity."
-Michelle Milne

Contact: Danielle Pagoria, email

See also: