11:30 am,
April 14, 2022
Merry Lea - Farmstead Site
Standards Alignment: Nature PreK Observation & Professional Development
How do sit spots, unstructured play or shelter construction in
the forest connect to academic standards? Observe students and
teacher in person at our outdoor classroom as we focus on
connections to Indiana Early Learning Foundations and
Kindergarten academic standards. Facilitators will identify
connections to these standards and provide additional
connections to other relevant grade level standards based on
participants' interests.
Cost: $45
Location: Merry Lea Farmstead | 2152 S 425 W, Albion, IN 46701
Registration: Required by April 11
Contact: Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center, phone 260-799-5869, email merrylea@goshen.edu
See also: Learn More & Register Here