4:00 pm, Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Wyse Hall 318 & 319

Science Speaker Series: Craig Just, University of Iowa

Video conference with Dr. Craig Just, University of Iowa. Continental Crossings: Peruvian Bridge Project 2006 - 2007. Dr. Just--Associate Research Engineer, Hydroscience and Engineering, Civil Engineering,University of Iowa. He is faculty for the University of Iowa Engineers for a Sustainable World. Dr. Just will lead a presentation about a student led special design/construction project, Continental Crossings, in Peru. Univ. Iowa engineering undergrad students designed and constructed an engineered steel cable/wood decking bridge to replace an unstable two rope bridge in Peru to enable safer and more efficient crossing of a river gorge by residents. http://continentalcrossings.org/index.htm

Contact: Marilyn L Bayak, phone 7305, email marilynlb@goshen.edu

See also: