10:00 am, Friday, November 10, 2006

"Finding Our Voice" - Janeen Bertsche Johnson, campus pastor of Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary

Janeen Bertsche Johnson, campus pastor at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, IN, will preach on Finding Our Voice from Mark 7:31-37. Many people live with some kind of speech impedimentwhether physical, psychological, or spiritual. What does Jesus healing of the man with a speech impediment mean for us? How can we provide a place where peoples voices can be encouraged and heard? Janeen has been campus pastor at AMBS since 1995, and before that was a pastor for 6 years at Lorraine Avenue Mennonite Church in Wichita, Kansas. She has been involved in a number of conference and denominational boards and committees, and is currently a member of the Executive Board of Mennonite Church USA. Janeen lives in Goshen with her husband Barry and children Hannah and Aaron, and they are active in the Eighth Street Mennonite Church. Janeen enjoys singing with the Camerata Singers, leading the Earthcare 4-H Club, and spending time in the woods behind her house.

Contact: Jason Harrison, phone (574) 535-7008, email jasoneh@goshen.edu