10:00 am, Friday, November 9, 2007

Chapel: A worship service led by 2007 Service Inquiry Program participants

Hear stories of summer service experiences and be led in worship by several GC students who participated in Service Inquiry Program this past summer. The 9 SIPers and the service site locations include:
Anna Hade - Emmaus House, GA,
Emily Swora - Urban Ventures, MN,
Isaac Beachy - Samaritan Ministry, Washington, D.C.,
Krista Ehst - Franconia Mennonite Conference, PA,
Lindsy Glick - Mennonite Central Committee Nicaragua,
Matt Harms - Habitat for Humanity, Dominican Republic,
Sarah Buskirk - DOOR San Antonia, TX,
Sarah Zwier - Mennonite Mission Network, IN,
James Weber - Mennonite Central Committee Honduras/Akron

Contact: Bob Yoder, campus pastor, phone 7542, email robertey@goshen.edu