10:00 am,
March 20, 2021
Merry Lea Sustainable Farm
Seed Starting for Beginners
Interested in starting your own garden this year? Join Farm
Manager Kaeli on Saturday, March 20 from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. and
learn how to demystify seed starting at home! The morning will
be spent getting an overview of garden planning basics. Then
participants will learn how to grow plants from seeds by
starting their own micro herbs, winter-sown flowers and
container lettuce to take home. This program is intended for
adults and each person will get 3 containers of plants to take
Cost: $15 per person
Registration: Required by March 18. For more information and to register, visit our website
Contact: Marcos Stoltzfus, phone 260-799-5869, email merrylea@goshen.edu
See also: Register here