January 2008
Chapel: "God is Here Among Us," worship led by Parables, traveling student worship team
10:00 am, Church-Chapel
10:00 am, Church-Chapel
Special Wed. Convocation: "Why Race? How courageous conversations have made a difference" - Glenn Singleton
10:00 am, Church-Chapel, extended to 10:45
10:00 am, Church-Chapel, extended to 10:45
"Molecular Biology of Selected Hereditary Disorders Among Anabaptists", GC alum Hal Cross, M.D.
4:00 pm, Science Building, Room 106
4:00 pm, Science Building, Room 106
Convocation: "The Power of Nonviolence" - David Cortright, director of Fourth Freedom Forum
10:00 am, Church-Chapel
10:00 am, Church-Chapel
Pastor's Dinner & Dialogue
5:15 pm, Church Chapel Fellowship Hall and Music Center Rieth Recital Hall
5:15 pm, Church Chapel Fellowship Hall and Music Center Rieth Recital Hall
Responses to Glenn Singleton's Visit - Feb. 7 - Dining Hall
11:00 am, Dining Hall, North Meeting Room
11:00 am, Dining Hall, North Meeting Room
Convocation: "The Vengeance, Vindication and Justice Project" - Profs. Joe Liechty and Paul Keim
10:00 am, Church-Chapel,extended to 10:45
10:00 am, Church-Chapel,extended to 10:45
Afternoon Sabbatical - Boundaries and bridges: Do denominations have a future? by Professor of History John D. Roth
1:00 pm, Sauder Concert Hall
1:00 pm, Sauder Concert Hall
Science Olympiad
7:30 am, Church Chapel Building, Science Building, Music Center, Rec-Fitness Building
7:30 am, Church Chapel Building, Science Building, Music Center, Rec-Fitness Building
Faculty Showcase Recital by Susan Dengler, soprano & Christine Larson Seitz, piano
4:00 pm, Rieth Recital Hall
4:00 pm, Rieth Recital Hall
Women's World Music Choir Spring Break Tour
7:00 pm, East Chestnut Street Mennonite Church, Lancaster, Pa.
7:00 pm, East Chestnut Street Mennonite Church, Lancaster, Pa.
Women's World Music Choir Spring Break Tour
8:15 am, Lancaster Mennonite High School, Lancaster, Pa.
8:15 am, Lancaster Mennonite High School, Lancaster, Pa.
Women's World Music Choir Spring Break Tour
2:30 pm, Philadelphia Mennonite High School, Philadelphia, Pa.
2:30 pm, Philadelphia Mennonite High School, Philadelphia, Pa.
Women's World Music Choir Spring Break Tour
7:30 pm, Blooming Glen Mennonite Church, Blooming Glen, Pa.
7:30 pm, Blooming Glen Mennonite Church, Blooming Glen, Pa.
Women's World Music Choir Spring Break Tour
9:24 am, Christopher Dock Mennonite High School, Lansdale, Pa.
9:24 am, Christopher Dock Mennonite High School, Lansdale, Pa.
Women's World Music Choir Spring Break Tour
8:00 pm, Good Shepherd-Faith Presbyterian Church, New York, NY
8:00 pm, Good Shepherd-Faith Presbyterian Church, New York, NY
Convocation: "What Happens When Soldiers Decide That They Cannot Kill?" - MJ Sharp & Tim Huber
10:00 am, Church-Chapel
10:00 am, Church-Chapel
Can You Understand Your Own Interpretation: English to ASL
8:00 am, Administration Building, Room 28
8:00 am, Administration Building, Room 28
Convocation: Dolores Huerta, co-founder of United Farm Workers, speaks on Immigration Issues
10:00 am, Church-Chapel
10:00 am, Church-Chapel
Baseball at University of the Cumberlands
Carol Becker, Educating Creative Practitioners for the 21st Century, Yoder Public Affairs Lecture
7:30 pm, Rieth Recital Hall
7:30 pm, Rieth Recital Hall
Friday Lunch Discussion - General Education: What Matters?
12:00 pm, Dining Hall, North Meeting Room
12:00 pm, Dining Hall, North Meeting Room
Special Monday Chapel: "A Holy Week Service of Anointing," led by Campus Ministries
10:00 am, Church-Chapel
10:00 am, Church-Chapel
Psychology Student Paper Day: Bluffton/Manchester/Goshen
9:00 am, College Mennonite Church Gathering Rooms
9:00 am, College Mennonite Church Gathering Rooms
Chapel: "Images of God" - Worshiping Communities class members with professor Malinda Berry
10:00 am, Church-Chapel
10:00 am, Church-Chapel
Retreat for GC students: "When God Seems Absent and You Can't Pray
8:30 am, Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship
8:30 am, Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship
Sones de Mexico - Panel Discussion on Mexican Folk Music
7:15 pm, GC Music Center, Sauder Concert Hall
7:15 pm, GC Music Center, Sauder Concert Hall
Chapel: "Creatively Encountering Faith," led by a variety of students and Campus Ministries
10:00 am, Church-Chapel
10:00 am, Church-Chapel
Friday Lunch Discussion - General Education and GC Core Values: What Matters?
12:00 pm, Dining Hall, North Meeting Room
12:00 pm, Dining Hall, North Meeting Room
Convocation: "LD: An Invisible Disability" - GC students give substance to what others don't see
10:00 am, Church-Chapel
10:00 am, Church-Chapel
Discussion: "LD: An Invisible Disability" - GC students give substance to what others don't see
10:30 am, Gathering Rooms
10:30 am, Gathering Rooms
Chapel: "Hymn Sing: Favorite Hymn Countdown" - led by student Brian Waidelich and others
10:00 am, Church-Chapel
10:00 am, Church-Chapel