July 2019
Opening Reception and Artist TAlk - Rick Burns Photography Collection
2:00 pm, Hershberger Art Gallery
2:00 pm, Hershberger Art Gallery
Ornish Lifestyle Medicine; Plant based food
4:30 pm, College Mennonite Church - Fellowship Hall on the campus of Goshen College
4:30 pm, College Mennonite Church - Fellowship Hall on the campus of Goshen College
Union Renovation Preview (for all employees/retiees)
10:00 am, Leaf Raker Cafe and Hunsberger Commons, Union Building
10:00 am, Leaf Raker Cafe and Hunsberger Commons, Union Building
The 5th Annual Goshen College Men's Basketball Golf Outing
12:30 pm, Meadow Valley Golf Club in Middlebury, IN
12:30 pm, Meadow Valley Golf Club in Middlebury, IN
Exhibit Opening Reception - Historic European anabaptist Costume Prints: The Paul & Jean Kraybill Collection
2:00 pm, Good Library Art Gallery
2:00 pm, Good Library Art Gallery
Red Cross Blood Drive
10:30 am, College Mennonite Church - Fellowship Hall on the campus of Goshen College
10:30 am, College Mennonite Church - Fellowship Hall on the campus of Goshen College