November 2021
Student Flu Shot Clinic
5:30 pm, Koinonia Room (across from the Fellowship Hall), Church Chapel building
5:30 pm, Koinonia Room (across from the Fellowship Hall), Church Chapel building
Women's and men's cross country at Crossroads League championship (Huntington University)
11:45 am, Huntington, Indiana
11:45 am, Huntington, Indiana
Cindy Cooper Gallery Exhibit Reception and Artist Talk
1:00 pm, Music Center, Hershberger Art Gallery
1:00 pm, Music Center, Hershberger Art Gallery
Student Flu Shot Clinic
5:30 pm, Koinonia Room (across from the Fellowship Hall), Church Chapel building
5:30 pm, Koinonia Room (across from the Fellowship Hall), Church Chapel building
Wind Energy Technology and Career Paths, Andrew Glick - Science Speakers
4:00 pm, Science 106 and remote
4:00 pm, Science 106 and remote
Student Flu Shot Clinic
5:30 pm, Koinonia Room (across from the Fellowship Hall), Church Chapel building
5:30 pm, Koinonia Room (across from the Fellowship Hall), Church Chapel building
Yoder Public Affairs Lecture - "Women and Peacebuilding in Indonesia - a conversation between Endah Setyowati and Jan Bender Shetler"
7:30 pm, College Church - Koinonia Room
7:30 pm, College Church - Koinonia Room