September 2022
January 2023
Using Machine Learning Techniques to Enable Discoveries in Physics, Christina Peters, Science Speakers
4:00 pm, Science Building, room 106
4:00 pm, Science Building, room 106
Student summer research: A quad baronium, and new biomaterials from trees. Elise Jantz and Drew Smoker
4:00 pm, Science Building, room 106
4:00 pm, Science Building, room 106
"How God Changes Your Brain", Andrew Newberg, Religion and Science Conference
7:30 am, College Mennonite Church-Chapel, and online
7:30 am, College Mennonite Church-Chapel, and online
"The Varieties of Spiritual Experience", Andrew Newberg, Religion and Science Conference
10:30 am, College Mennonite Church-Chapel, and online
10:30 am, College Mennonite Church-Chapel, and online
DR-EAM: Polarizable Potential for Metals, Dr. Hemanta Bhattarai, Science Speakers
4:00 pm, Science Building, room 106
4:00 pm, Science Building, room 106