January 2024
"Electrical stimulation to restore bladder function", Maria Jantz, Science Speakers
10:00 am, Science Building, room 106
10:00 am, Science Building, room 106
"I.CARE: A community-wide approach to coral restoration", Dr. Kylie Smith, Science Speakers
4:00 pm, Science Building, room 106
4:00 pm, Science Building, room 106
"Check yourself before you wreck yourself: How our biases undermine our science", Dr. Henry Streby, Science Speakers
4:00 pm, Science Building, room 106
4:00 pm, Science Building, room 106
"REEF Grouper Moon Project", Dr. Scott Heppell, Science Speakers
4:00 pm, Science Building, room 106
4:00 pm, Science Building, room 106